Thanks to Carm for these awesome images of Johnny S from their recent trip to The Gold Coast for The Wooden Boards Day, YEW, Great pics and well done to Johnny for making such a cool Wooden Board, Micro* PS Loving the low shutter speed pic at the top !
John Sutcliffe and Roger will be showcasing their new wooden boards at The Wooden Boards Day tomorrow at Currumbin Alley on The Gold Coast, AU, BBS representing New Zealand craftsmanship/board building in Aussie, YEW !, You go boys !, Micro*
Roger and John are representing the BBS crew on the Gold Coast this weekend at The Wooden Boards Day, Roger with his Cabbage tree timber Gun and John with his Super Duper Log, YEW !, Micro*
It's gonna be alright !, Pizza and Beers at the Waipu Barn TONIGHT, Micro* PS These images are from our very own Mrs. N Hall of The Mid-Winter Festival of Surfing, More from her soon !
John Sutcliffe's Wooden Log is amazing, He will be showcasing it at The Wooden Boards Day in AU next sunday, Good work mate, Way to go representing the BBS crew in Aussie !, Micro*
times flies
Nearly May, this year is flyin', so is Roger Hall on his 8'8'' Asymmetrical
Side Cut Double Hot Curl Edge board at his local, cheers Mike C.